Still waiting for resolution from insurance. We finally got the green light from them to rent a car and they even made a reservation at Enterprise for us...but when we got to cars! Memories of a crummy Seinfeld episode come to mind...
Fortunately when you have no job and no agenda, waiting isn't much of a chore as it is a chance to ponder and reflect on what life throws your way.
Sitting in the library yesterday, the conversation turned to 'what lessons do you think we are here to learn?', and 'why did a giant stag end up in our path at this particular time?'
The simple answers involved personal growth, learning to let go of certain comforts, conveniences, materials belongings, routine, etc etc, blah, blah, blah - the standard psycho-spiritual analysis involved with being manipulated by a higher being for our own greater good. We realised this was somewhat fatalistic and disempowering.
Does free will actually mean anything if some grander entity is always pulling your strings, no matter how well intentioned?
So a new line of thought developed - what if our thoughts and our emotions brought the energies of the animal into our path? What if on a subconscious level we wanted or needed to be stranded in Bowling Green for several days?
Emotional catalysts were definitely present - a desire to stop for the night, a desire for unexpected adventure, a desire to meet new and interesting people, a desire to let go of routines and habits...the list goes on...
So what if life is about taking responsibility for what is created before you, instead of always deferring to being the puppet of a manipulating god?
If anything, every thought, feeling, emotion, and habit running through our meat-suit bodies from the day we entered this realm have led us quite intentionally to the exact point each of us are currently at right this very second. Our thoughts and our free will choices are being reflected back to us in the external world surrounding us. It is the greatest summation of the quality of our conscious awareness. May sound cliche, but the external world is our best insight into the present state our growing souls.
All these thoughts end up leading to an obvious conclusion most people choose not to consider since it means taking responsibility at all times for our thoughts and actions, be they positive or negative - WE ARE THE MASTERS OF OUR OWN FATE.
The external world did not create for us a random accident in a chaotic, mechanicalistic world to leave us to deal with the aftermath and wonder, 'why us?'
Our energies, our thoughts, and our feelings manifested exactly what we sought.
It's time for us to take back the power and responsibility of our thoughts, and direct those creative energies exactly where we want them to go.
Our thoughts generate our emotions and perspectives. No outside source can force us to think, do, behave, or feel in ways we choose not to. We are not victims, we are not puppets, and we are not slaves. We are the creative masters of our own destinies, and it's time each of us takes back the power and awesome responsibility of the thoughts we think and the actions we choose to perform because of those thoughts.
Time to stop 'stag'nating, and time to start creating our paradise on earth.
Thanks, my deer.