Sunday, 15 November 2015

Roaming in the "Wild"

Our day in Bowling Green yesterday was very interesting... Before leaving the hotel, which was beside a McDonald's :s, a McDonalds patron saw the front of the car and exclaimed you guys hit a deer! And proceeded to tell us that it was still on the I-75. We had another guy come up to us and offer to help us divorce the hood from the engine, they were kind of attached but eventually came loose. After that we roamed around the town looking for some cool stuff. We found book store/coffee shop called "Grounds for Thought", Mike had a decaf coffee (not a usual thing for him to do, he strictly gave up hot beverages lately) and I sat and did research on what our options are.
One thing we noticed is that every store, even the craft store all had food! There was popcorn and candy options next to scrap booking materials...guess creativity and eating go hand in hand.
By this time it had started to get dark and we needed to figure out sleeping options. We have an amazing tent and we wanted to put it to need to rack up ridiculous hotel bills. We asked the front desk people at the hotel where we could camp and the lady said that her ex boyfriend had camped behind the Meijer grocery store for 3months and no one batted an eye. Hey why not!! We went to check it out and found a nice spot in a field and set up shop. The Meijer store, which is currently our home, is pretty cool. It's like a Walmart on crack, we have everything we could possibly want...a bathroom, WiFi, food, entertainment and nice place to sit down ( in the bean bag chair section). It was kind of like sleeping in a fridge last night but it was okay we have very have good sleeping bags...
We've spent the day sitting in Meijer researching and eating, its pretty sweet. Tomorrow we finally get to the repair shop to see about the car and call the insurance company... Both of which are closed on the weekends, go figure I guess people aren't supposed to have accidents on the weekend.

More to come on the adventures of Mike and Michelle
Peace out...

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