Ever try knockin’ a coconut out of a tree with a rock?
It don't work so good…
In fact, when you do get accurate with a large enough rock to make contact with a green coconut, you end up making a nice thonk while the nut laughs at you, suggesting ‘uh, I ain't about to let go here, bonehead, so give it up.’ Same sentiment applies to the stick and swinging towel methods, with just slightly more derision and mockery from the tree.
So I guess in order to get to that sweet water, looks like a little climbing is necessary.
Ever try climbing a coconut tree sans equipment?
It don't work so good…
In fact, I couldn't do it at all without tearing up my thighs and forearms.
Hmmm...time for a little youtube tutorial…
Found a couple easy ideas pretty quickly…
The simplest was a burlap sack loop wrapped around a bushman's feet while he hopped his way up a massive tree effortlessly like a human inchworm. The burlap provided simple leverage and support along the rough tree surface.
Pretty cool.
Should be easy enough to make…
Okay, no sack to be found here...but some plastic shade cloth should do the trick.
And I also found a heavy woven cotton strap that might be useful as a support system for the hands…
Cool, let's rock!
We rolled into Hilo on Tuesday to do some community service singing at a couple old folks homes (one of our weekly rituals) and during our lunch break, a nut-filled tree on the beach seemed to call my name…’hey freak’, it said, ‘come risk your neck for a chance at drinking my sweet sweet nutty water, if ya got da guts’...
I got da guts!
Game on baby!
Okay...shoes off...plastic shade cloth in place...let’s do it!
The early scoreboard? Coconut tree: 1, Mike: 0
The shade cloth sucked. A little too slick, and tied a little too wide. All I had left was that thin band.
Worth a shot at least…
Tied a stirrup for one foot, and extended it back to the other with another knot securing it…
Round 2…
Hop, hop, hop…
Bloody thing works like a charm!
With a pocket knife in hand, and a quick sawing motion, all of a sudden it was raining coconuts!
Michelle caught the action shot of the first bunch falling to the ground.
We ended up with six, leaving the rest of the seeds to naturally run their growth course…
Be responsible for what you take, don't be greedy, and you can live in harmony with nature forever...some good advice.
Not sure who said that, though…
Oh yeah, ‘twas me:-)
We macheted open a couple of the young stones for a smoothie dinner of banana and papaya in coconut water, and weren't disappointed. Sweet and delicious!
Climbing a coconut tree was another awesome first, and looking forward to climbing another one.
Don't foresee getting bored of drinking coconut water anytime soon…
In fact, I'm craving some of that yummy water right now.
Excuse me while I go wake up Michelle to see if she's up for a little midnight tree climbing;-)
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